FLModafinil (CRL-40,940)

(24 customer reviews)


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FLModafinil (CRL-40,940) – Product Information

Modafinil, also known as CRL-40,940 (Flmodafinil, Lauflumide), has the potential to improve focus and lessen the desire to sleep and is being researched for its potential to treat narcoleptics. In animal models, CRL-40,940, a psychotonic and eugeroic substance, produced effects that were comparable to but slightly stronger than those of modafinil.

Chemically speaking, CRL-40,940 (Lauflumide), also known as bisfluoromodafinil or Flmodafinil powder, is the bis(p-fluoro) derivative of modafinil. [R]

CAS Number 90280-13-0
Molar Mass 309.3 g/mol
Chemical Formula C15H13F2NO2S
IUPAC Name 2-[bis(4-fluorophenyl)methylsulfinyl]acetamide

What is FLModafinil?

Modafinil has been improved to develop flmodafinil. With the exception of the inclusion of two fluoride atoms, it is structurally quite identical to its predecessor; this is how the term “flmodafinil” came to be. As previously indicated, there are other names for the drug flodafinil, including CRL 40,940, lauflumide, Provigil, etc.

A medication that could treat sleep disturbances was created in the 1970s by French students. It was noted that the medication changed into a chemical after being digested. They gave the substance the name modafinil.

Further investigation on the effects of modafinil revealed that they extended beyond the potential relief of sleep disorder symptoms. Also, it might rouse the users, aid in maintaining their focus, and impart an optimistic attitude toward life. All in all, modafinil showed immense potential to be capable of carrying out all labor-intensive tasks.

According to research reports, it has the potential to provide all the advantages of a triple shot of espresso without the anxiety that frequently follows a significant caffeine boost. Nevertheless, since there are no scientific trials, the only information we have about flmodafinil is anecdotal. [R]

How Does FLModafinil Work?

Dopamine is a chemical neurotransmitter that plays important roles in the brain and is potentially increased in the brain by the action of the compound flodafinil. This may be explained by its potential to prevent dopamine reuptake. This indicates that it may stop the neurotransmitter from binding to the dopamine receptors making it a weak dopamine reuptake inhibitor.[R]

Similar mechanisms of action govern modafinil. It differs from its replacement in that it is more potent, potentially stays in the bloodstream for 40% longer, and is digested quickly. That is to say, flmodafinil has the potential to significantly quicker produce the desired effects.

These outcomes potentially include increased cognition, arousal, and wakefulness. Anecdotal research suggests that taking a typical dose of flmodafinil in research subjects reduces aggression and sharpens focus.

One might potentially rely on flmodafinil to treat the identical ailments that modafinil aids overcome given the fact that both work in exactly the same way. Narcolepsy, shift-work sleep disorder, ADHD, and impaired brain function brought on by sleep deprivation are a few of the potential disorders that its research applications may aid. [R]

FLModafinil Research

In the absence of any clinical research, we rely on anecdotal evidence to substantiate flmodafinil benefits. Purerawz sells FLModafinil for scientific research purposes only.

Potential to Enhance Wakefulness

Flmodafinil encourages wakefulness by potentially raising dopamine levels in the brain of research subjects. By reducing the levels of melatonin, sometimes known as the sleep hormone, this neurotransmitter has the potential to keep research subjects awake. This is similar to the mechanism of action in most stimulants, including caffeine, that help people stay awake by raising their dopamine levels. [R]

May Reduce Fatigue

Several studies have revealed that modafinil reduces fatigue in subjects with cancer, soldiers who are exposed to sleep deprivation, and subjects with multiple sclerosis. Also, this medication shows the potential in lessening excessive daytime fatigue, which could have a negative impact on your health. [R] [R]

Because of how similarly modafinil and flmodafinil function, this is important. Both have been demonstrated to have the potential to work on the brain and boost dopamine levels. Because of this, even though flmodafinil hasn’t been the subject of any human trials, it may be said that it has similar potential advantages to modafinil.

Cognitive Benefits

It has been demonstrated that modafinil potentially offers broad, albeit modest, cognitive advantages. It can result in minor enhancements to working and long-term memory, according to studies. Moreover, this substance may enhance pattern identification, subjective well-being, and decision-making. [R]

One thing unites all of these cognitive unique advantages. They most frequently occur in those who are sleep deprived or who have abnormally high levels of weariness. Strong effects of these advantages may be felt by subjects who are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from other stimulants.

May Aid ADHD

Modafinil reduced ADHD symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in a double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment. A sample of 246 participants all received modafinil therapy as part of the experiment. Nearly half (48%) reported a significant improvement in their clinical state. [R]

This raises the possibility that modafinil and, after FDA clearance, flmodafinil, could one day be used to potentially treat ADHD.

May Improve Motivation

Since flmodafinil may potentially raise dopamine levels in the brain, it may help with motivation. Dopamine affects brain regions involved in motivation. High dopamine levels encourage people to start and keep going after their goals, according to research. [R]

May Lessen Aggressive Behaviour

In this particular region, flmodafinil differs from modafinil. In contrast to its predecessor, flmodafinil successfully reduced aggression in studies on rats while having no effect on irritability. It functioned as an inhibitor that reduced agitation. [R]

The mechanism through which flmodafinil displayed anti-aggressive effects on mice remains a mystery to researchers. They haven’t even speculated on whether it may produce the same relaxing effect on people. So, more studies and lab tests are required to support this advantage.

FLModafinil vs Modafinil

Modafinil and flmodafinil share a number of similarities.

Both have a similar structural make-up; in fact, flmodafinil is considered to be a “exact replica” of its predecessor by researchers. This resemblance extends to any potential physiological impacts that might exist between them.

Modafinil and flmodafinil both have the potential to increase vitality, improve motivation, and lessen fatigue. Both of these compounds may also have the potential to encourage wakefulness and enhance concentration and focus.


How legal is FLModafinil?

It is permitted to purchase flmodafinil for research purposes. This compound is available for purchase from Purerawz.

What distinguishes flmodafinil from modafinil?

Modafinil and flmodafinil are not the same. Flmodafinil is seen as one of a series of modafinil analogues. It has a different structure with two more fluoride atoms, a longer half-life, and enhanced bioavailability.

Also, whereas flmodafinil is classified as a research chemical, modafinil is a parent drug and prescription medication. Purerawz sells flmodafinil for research purposes only.

Where to Buy FLModafinil Online

Pure Rawz is the best place to buy FLModafinil.

In order to be the best research chemicals online supplier, we provide reference materials with every product we sell. Each of our products comes with an independent, third-party-issued Certificate of Analysis for identification, purity, and concentration.

We offer free international shipping on all orders above $100. You can pay for your purchase through various methods, including PayPal and Bitcoin. Read our FLmodafinil Review section to check out what existing customers have to say about our products and great customer service.


Flmodafinil has a number of potential health advantages and most research team members believe it may have future efficacy as a smart drug. Researchers attribute flmodafinil to potentially improving wakefulness, increasing energy levels, and increasing productivity levels.

However, no clinical trials or studies similar to modafinil studies has been conducted on this compound to date. All of the potential benefits attributed to flmodafinil are derived from modafinil or, in rare instances, from animal research.

This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE FOR LABORATORY AND RESEARCH USE ONLY. All clinical research must be conducted with oversight from the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB). All preclinical research must be conducted with oversight from the appropriate Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) following the guidelines of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA).
Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis and research from Trusted Sources before making any purchase, based on your own personal circumstances. You should independently research and verify any information that you find on our Website and wish to rely upon.
By completing and paying for your order, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. If you are not 100% satisfied with the product you received, please contact us at support@purerawz.co
ATTENTION: All our products are for LABORATORY AND RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY, not for veterinary or human usage.


24 reviews for FLModafinil (CRL-40,940)

  1. User Avatar: Bernard Douglas

    Bernard Douglas

    Kept me alert and focused all day without jitters. Highly recommended for cognitive enhancement

  2. Stella Stephenson

    One of the best options out there for focus and cognitive function.

  3. Erik Boyer (verified owner)

    Provided me with heightened (clean) energy & focus, along with a (much needed) boost of intrinsic motivation/drive all day long. For folks w ADHD and/or hypersomnic issues, give this a shot.

  4. Verified Buyer (verified owner)

  5. Jeff Shuffield

    I had tried Adrafinil and FL-Adrafinil from multiple sources with no luck. I might be one of the select who is immune to this chemical due to genetics. I look forward to trying the PureRawz FL-Modafinil and hoping it works, if not I am surely immune as I know PureRawz has legit products.

  6. Victor (verified owner)

  7. Daniel Gillis (verified owner)

    Really like this one👍

  8. Richard Kramer (verified owner)

  9. David (verified owner)

  10. Chip Brown


  11. Richard K. (verified owner)

  12. V

    Nice, smooth research experience.sides practically non-existent. Better results than with provigil or nuvigil. Or for that matter FL-mod from other vendors

  13. Anonymous (verified owner)

  14. asfsdfdsfds

    Works well.

  15. Jason Miller (verified owner)

    A single 50mg dose in the morning keeps me alert throughout the workday. I have tried FL modafinil from other vendors with no noticeable effect. I have tried provigil and nuvigil and find this to be as effective for me.

  16. wgl92236 (verified owner)

    It does what its indented to do. Works in mins. Lasts for hours. Minimal side effects. No jitters or anxiety. 100% will purchase again.

  17. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Amazing product! Best on the market. Ordered multiple times. Thanks!

  18. Anonymous (verified owner)

    High quality and delivers as advertised

  19. Anonymous (verified owner)

  20. Matthew Allen (verified owner)

  21. Edward LaFrance (verified owner)

    Great product. They take a few days to ship it out, but otherwise service is great. Could be psychological, but I feel like the capsules are a little more potent than the tablets. Maybe they are just absorbed more easily.

  22. Matthew A. (verified owner)

    Very useful for research

  23. Andrew Foster (verified owner)

    I have ADHD and have had prescriptions for adderall in the past. This tops that by far. It doesn’t even feel stimulating, it just makes me feel normal. This might be the greatest compound to ever exist lol

  24. Robert Katzman (verified owner)


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